Frantoio Venturino Bartolomeo Srl

Pesto “Delicato” without garlic

Pesto “Delicato” without garlic

Description of the Product

The "pesto delicato senza aglio" recipe does not use garlic , in response to a growing demand by the Italian consumer (especially female gender).

The ingredients of the Pesto alla Genovese PDO- without Garlic, are all of very high quality like the Extra Virgin olive oil and the Basil Genoese PDO, bought from supplier friends who have their fields near our production site.

The parfum and the intense flavour of fresh basil, are the result of the quality of the used raw materials  but also of the fine-tuning of a production process that does not provide any pasteurization (process that gives stress to all the raw materials, with  negative consequences for the taste, flavour and colour), without risks for the consumer and that ensures a shelf-life of 16 months.

Ideal to flavour pasta, trofie, dumplings and Lasagne , it is also used (expecially in the Anglo-Saxon countries) as a spread on bruschetta, sandwiches and to dress salad.

For a perfect result we suggest to dilute it as needed with some pasta cooking water

Data Sheet

EAN Code Content g. Pot ml. Pieces for Package Packaging Plan Packaging Pallet Weight of a pack Kg.
8013862000677 180 212 12 14 112 4,3